Discovery Days Life Underground

Nature Adventurers

Key information

15, 23 June & 6, 13 July, 10am - 3pm


Hyde Park
Kensington Gardens



Please note: We have a limited number of bursary places available for those in need. If you are interested in a bursary space and can commit to all four dates, please call 0300 061 2255 or email

Immersive outdoor sessions...

15, 22 June & 6, 13 July, 10am - 3pm 

Come along to our purpose-built learning centre for our new Nature Adventurers sessions, a series of four Saturday activity sessions. The perfect place for your 8–12 year-old adventurer or nature lover. 

Each week we will explore a different theme of the outdoors both in the self-contained grounds of the Hyde Park Learning centre and in the wider parks (Hyde Park and Kensington Gardens). 

Discovery Days
  • Pondlife, 15 June: Pond dipping, Suminigashi (Water marbling art) and creating your own pond creature. 
  • Bugs and bees, 22 June: Meadow sweeping, minibeast hunting and Cyanotype printing. 
  • Woodland craft and creatures, 6 July: Den making, collage, willow weaving and fire lighting.
  • Food and Fire, 13 July: Visit the allotment in Kensington Gardens, learn about food growing and try some unusual fruits and vegetables, Fabric dying, plant potting and cooking on a fire.

Simply drop your young adventurer off with lunch and a drink at Hyde Park Learning Centre for a full day of fun activities guided by our expert facilitators!

This is a series of four sessions. The price for four sessions is £150. This works out at £37.50 per session.