The Royal Parks follows UK procurement law, acquiring goods, works and services by competition wherever possible.
The Royal Parks follows UK procurement law, acquiring goods, works and services by competition wherever possible.
We advertise tenders valued over £50,000 ex VAT (£60,000 inc VAT) on the UK Government's Contracts Finder website.
We also publish tenders over the Public Contract and Concession Contract Regulations thresholds on the Find A Tender Service.
You can read about our tender opportunities on the above websites but to respond, you will need to register for free on our Delta e-tendering system.
From time to time, we also use Frameworks or Dynamic Purchasing Systems to procure goods, services and works. These procurements will not be advertised as they are limited to the suppliers on these Frameworks or DPSs.
If you have any questions about procurement at The Royal Parks, please email procurement@royalparks.org.uk.