Teams & partners
Our in-house team delivers our learning programme in the central parks - Hyde Park, Kensington Gardens, St. James’s and Green parks, as well as Brompton Cemetery. We work closely with projects such as Help Nature Thrive, Greenwich Park Revealed, Volunteering and the park teams to bring learning and engagement to life, inspiring schools, families and adults with the parks’ wildlife, heritage and wellbeing. Take a look at our programmes.
If you’d like to explore partnership or funding opportunities with our Learning and engagement programmes, please get in touch.
The Field Studies Council works in Greenwich, Bushy and The Regent’s parks and delivers environmental education sessions to schools (early years to A level), activities for families and natural history courses for adults.
You can contact the Field Studies Council here.
Take a look at their website.
The Holly Lodge Centre works in Richmond Park and delivers environmental education and history sessions to schools (mainly primary). Their focus is on engaging groups with special educational needs and disabilities as well as underserved groups from the local area.
You can contact the Holly Lodge Centre here.
Take a look at their website.
Access Aspiration is a Mayor of London initiative working with 16–18-year-old students from disadvantaged backgrounds to offer meaningful work experience placements and help increase social mobility.
London Play is a London based charity that strive to ensure that the capital’s children have the best free play opportunities near to where they live.
Sustain, the alliance for better food and farming and its local arm Capital Growth, is London’s largest food growing network, providing management, training, support and resources to hundreds of sites across the capital.
The Natural History Museum (NHM) is a world class visitor attraction and leading science research centre that uses its unique collections and expertise to tackle the biggest challenges facing the world today.
The Royal Parks Foundation, USA is an independent charity incorporated in the United States to enable its citizens to support the conservation and heritage of London’s Royal Parks. The board generously supports The Royal Parks’ Schools Bursary Programme.
Since 2017, players of the People’s Postcode Lottery have been helping nature to thrive through our Mission: Invertebrate project, which delivered over 100 habitat creation projects across the eight Royal Parks. Help Nature Thrive sees the start of a new phase in our partnership helping to deliver our vision for nature: restoring our natural habitats, undertaking scientific research and providing up-close opportunities for visitors to discover nature in the parks.
LMF is one of the UK’s major funders of projects and initiatives that inspire children and adults across the UK to lead active lives. London Marathon Foundation (formerly London Marathon Charitable Trust) has helped us improve and develop sports and play facilities in the parks benefitting thousands of park visitors over the years.