Hyde Park at night

Bat Walk

Key information

2 May, 8:15pm - 9:45pm


Kensington Gardens


Join us to search for bats in the heart of London...

Thursday 2 May, 8:15pm - 9:45pm 

This hour and a half tour takes place at dusk, as London's bats are coming out to play. 

  • Be guided through Kensington Gardens and Hyde Park at night to search for bat species such as common pipistrelles, soprano pipistrelles and noctules.
  • Play a fun quiz to separate bat facts from bat fiction and enjoy using bat detectors that make the bats' echo-location calls audible to the human ear. 
  • Bats are not the only creatures out at night - owl calls may add to the evening's atmosphere and perhaps a curious fox will cross our path as well!
Bat walk Hyde Park

Please note:

  • This tour is designed for adult attendees, over 18 years of age. 
  • The tour will take place between 8:15pm - 9:45pm.
  • We offer free spaces for those in need. For more information on eligibility and how to book please call 0300 061 2255 or email publicprogrammes@royalparks.org.uk.
  • There will be a TRP photographer taking images at this event. We will use the images as a record of the event and to promote future Bat walks. They may be shared on our website , social media pages or shared with press. If you attend and DO NOT wish to be included in any photographs please let the walk leader know when you arrive, so we can ensure that you are not photographed.