Early Years Foundation Stage Discovery days
Hyde Park


Uncover, discover, and be inspired by the natural world!

Visit us in the park 

Our Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) sessions at the Hyde Park Learning Centre bring learning to life for children up to five years old.  

You can book either a half- or full-day session. In the list below, sessions are half day length unless otherwise stated and you can combine two to make a full day. Once you’ve selected your sessions, just fill in our enquiry form and we can arrange your visit.

Use the following links to our partners for visits to Greenwich Park, The Regent's Park, Bushy Park or Richmond Park:

In the parks 

We're ready to welcome your group to the Royal Parks to explore these incredible natural environments confidently and safely. All sessions are curriculum-linked to meet learning outcomes and give children a great and much needed opportunity to get outside and explore. Sessions are priced at £120+VAT (half day) or £220+VAT (full day) for a class of up to 30 children. 

People who help us in Hyde Park 

What does a park keeper do? Join Percy the Park Keeper and his animal friends to find out. We use storytelling and puppets to explore and find out about people who work in the park. We work together and develop coordination through ‘real life’ tasks such as raking leaves, watering our plants or planting a seed to take home. 

Where would I hide? 

Explore the local environment and find out why animals hide. Take a closer look at bugs on a minibeast hunt after listening to a story. We play a camouflage game to see how insects hide and how birds find them. 

Animals like us 

Explore the similarities and differences between ourselves and other living things as we hunt for bugs or bird watch in the garden. We also find out what different animals eat and build clay animals to take home.

Growing and changing 

This session looks at how baby animals change and grow. With outdoor exploration and games, we discover how some local animals develop. We end with an art activity based around The Very Hungry Caterpillar. 

Exploring outdoors 

Venture into Hyde Park to find out what lives and grows in each season. We use open air art and a variety of outdoor games to get close to the natural environment around us. Use all your senses and make an artwork to take home using natural materials. 

Plan your visit 

Have you chosen which sessions you’d like to join? Have a look at our book a visit and practical information page (including details on prices and bursaries) and fill out the form below.

If you have any questions, just drop us a line on 0300 061 2286 or email learn@royalparks.org.uk.